Saturday, December 31, 2011

The Great Fireworks Screw-up!

Something similar to this happened to me recently, except I was unharmed, and not covered in soot. I hate New Years because I love Christmas so much! This whole comic reminds me of a hokey public  safety service announcement, thus the last panel. Happy New Years! I hope you resolve to read more of my comic! Stay safe too!

Also, check out Turpentine Valley Comic

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Waiting For Christmas Is Hard!

I hate waiting on Christmas Eve and I bet other people did too - not just children. Sorry, I couldn't help but break the fourth wall! Merry Christmas! Now, go spend some time with your relatives.

Also, check out Turpentine Valley Comic

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Letters To Santa

Oh, kids. One of the best times of the year - writing letters to santa. I rememember that. And, oh, I am neutral in the Santa is real or not war.

Also, check out Turpentine Valley Comic

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Snowfall Irony

I always used to feel this way. While I very much love snow, you can't help but wish for spring. It is an ironic tradition.

Also, check out Turpentine Valley Comic

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Christmas Traditions

How did they decorate those darned Christmas Rocks? I prefer trees. Only 22 more days till Christmas!

Also, check out Turpentine Valley Comic